Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What Is a Digital Business Card?

– A digital business card is a virtual representation of a traditional paper business card that can be easily shared and accessed using digital devices.

  1. Why Should I Use Digital Business Cards?

– Our digital business cards are eco-friendly, easy to share, and offer multimedia options. They also help you stand out in a digital world.

  1. How Do I Create an Digital Business Card?

– You can easily create your digital business cards on website using advanced templates for easy customization. Click here to get started.

  1. What Information Should I Include on My Digital Business Card?

– Include AT LEAST your name, contact information, company or business details, social media profiles, address and a brief introduction.

  1. Are’s Digital Business Cards Environmentally Friendly?

– Yes, digital business cards are eco-friendly as they reduce the need for paper production and printing.

  1. Can I Customize My Digital Business Card Design?

– Yes, you can customize the design of your digital business card to reflect your personal or brand identity.

  1. What Formats Are Digital Business Cards Available In?

– Common formats include vCard (contact file), QR code, and mobile app formats. But don’t worry about the technical details, all you have to is fill your information out, and we’ll handle the rest. NO technical knowledge is required, anyone can do it!

  1. Are’s Digital Business Cards Compatible with All Devices?

– They are compatible with most devices, including smartphones, tablets, and computers, regardless of the operating system.

  1. How Do I Share My Digital Business Card?

– Share via email, WhatsApp, SMS, social media, branded link, QR code scanning, or through dedicated mobile apps designed for card sharing.

  1. What Is a QR Code Business Card?

– A QR code business card contains a QR code that, when scanned, directs users to your digital business card.

  1. Is It Secure to Share My Digital Business Card?

– Yes, sharing digital business cards is secure. However, exercise caution when sharing personal information online. When creating your digital, only include the details you want people to know.

  1. Can I Include Multimedia on My Digital Business Card?

– Yes, you can include multimedia elements like images, videos, and links to enhance your card.

  1. On, is there a limit as to how many pictures or videos I can share ?

– Not at all. At, we want you to tell your story as powerfully as you can.

  1. How Do I Update My Digital Business Card Information?

– Easily update your information on your dashboard, and it will automatically reflect on all shared cards.

  1. Are Digital Business Cards Cost-Effective?

– Yes, they are more cost-effective than designing and printing physical cards, especially considering printing and distribution costs.

  1. At, Can I Create Multiple Versions of My Digital Business Card on?

– Yes, you can create multiple digital business cards for different purposes or audiences.

  1. Do I Need a Special App to Use Digital Business Cards?

– No. Our digital business cards can be viewed without an app. You don’t need to have our app to open Digital  Business Cards

  1. Are Digital Business Cards SEO-Friendly?

– Yes, by optimizing your digital business card content, it can be search engine-friendly and increase your online presence.

  1. Can I Track Interactions with My Digital Business Card?

– Yes, at we offer analytics to track how recipients interact with your card.

  1. What Are the Trends in Digital Business Cards?

– Trends include interactive cards, AI integration, and enhanced personalization. For example, at, we have AI technology, you don’t need to type details…our AI can do it for you!

  1. Can I Use Digital Business Cards for Networking Events and Conferences?

– Yes, digital business cards are ideal for networking events as they allow easy and contactless sharing.

  1. Are There Any Etiquette Rules for Exchanging Digital Business Cards?

– Follow general business card exchange etiquette

23. Can I Use Digital Business Cards for Personal Branding?

– Yes, you can use them to showcase your personal brand and professional identity.

24. Are There Any Legal Considerations with Digital Business Cards?

– Ensure compliance with data protection regulations and obtain consent when sharing copyrighted information.

25. How Can I Get My Digital Business Card?

Visit to get your own personalized digital business card. Click here to get started.